Attendance Information
Absences Limited by State Law:
Parental support for regular class attendance is essential. According to state law, a student must be in attendance for 90 percent of the days on the approved school calendar to receive credit for the school year.
The school principal or designee may investigate any case to determine extenuating circumstances or truancy. Examples of extenuating circumstances include extended illness or death in the immediate family.
The reason for an absence must be stated in writing, signed and dated by the parent or legal guardian, and sent to school within three days of the student's return to classes. Without such a note, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Verification from a physician may also be required for health-related absences.
Absences will be counted by class period where applicable. Students have the responsibility to complete all missed assignments.
Excessive absences may result in placement in an alternative school setting with referral to the school attendance counselor and/or a court of law.
Regular and Punctual Attendance:
Regular and punctual attendance is important and expected. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom at the tardy bell. Because of the state's *compulsory attendance laws and regulations governing school attendance, excessive absences or consistently arriving late to school/class can result in official warnings and court hearings.
If your child must be absent, please call the school. For the safety of our children, if you do not call the school, someone will attempt to contact you at work or at home to verify you child's absence. It is also necessary when the child returns to school to send a not signed by the parent stating the specific reason for the child's absence within three school days. Medical verification from a doctor may be required.
If a child needs to be taken out of school during the day, the parent must come to the office to sign for the child. Requests for the release of a child to another person listed on the registration card must be made in writing and must be dated and signed by the parent. Picture identification will be required for anyone sighing a child out of school. Parents should avoid picking -up their children early from school, as this will count as a part of a day absence
*The Texas Compulsory Attendance Law indicates that a child who is required to attend school, must attend school each school day for the entire period the program of instruction is provided. If a student is absent from school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six month period, or on 3 or more days or parts of days within a four week period- the parent is subject to prosecution for "parent contributing to nonattendance" and the student is subject to prosecution for "failure to attend school."
Warning notices will be sent for students having 3 and 10 unexcused absences. Warning notices may also be sent for students having and excessive number of Part of Day absences.